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Writer's pictureEma The Hair & Beauty Artist

Menopause Skincare: A Transformative Journey

Hi, I’m Ema, The Hair & Beauty Artist. Over the next few months, I’ll be sharing my new series of blogs to discuss menopause - what it is, how it affects us and what you can do to maintain glowing, healthy skin. While menopause does bring a transformative change to a woman’s life, with the right skincare, supplements and makeup (and a positive attitude!), you can see this change to reignite a new you with a sense of confidence so you can handle whatever comes your way.

I hope you enjoy my blogs!

What is menopause?

The word menopause comes from menses, meaning ‘monthly cycles’, and pause, meaning ‘stop’ and there are three stages : perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Menopause is a natural phase in every woman's life, marking the end of our reproductive years. Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 but it can occur earlier or later. during which the ovaries reduce their production of oestrogen and progesterone, the key hormones responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle and supporting various bodily functions. The menopausal stages are triggered as these hormone levels decline, and we may experience a wide range of symptoms, including hot flashes (sometimes referred to as ‘hot flushes’), mood swings, disrupted sleeping patterns, and changes in our skin. It’s important to note the symptoms of any menopausal stage are wide-ranging meaning the menopause experience will be very different for everyone. Some of us can breeze through the menopausal stages with very few symptoms but for others, unsurprisingly, this isn’t something everyone looks forward to!

Perimenopause Perimenopause is the stage before menopause (sometimes called pre-menopause), and this is the time when our hormones and fertility start to decline. Perimenopause can start as early as our late 30s. Menopause This stage signals the end of menstruation and is associated with further changes in our oestrogen and progesterone levels and at this stage, we produce much less oestrogen. Menopause typically starts around the ages of 45 and 55 years and is diagnosed once you have gone 12 months without having a period.

Postmenopause The symptoms at this stage are not dissimilar to menopause. This stage describes women who may continue to have menopausal symptoms even if they have not had a period for twelve months. Usually at the postmenopausal stage, the symptoms are often milder.

What are menopausal symptoms? There are many signs associated with the menopausal stage but not every person will experience symptoms and for those who do, it will be different from person to person. Some people may find they have very few menopausal symptoms but for those who do, some symptoms include irregular or heavy periods, hot flashes, night sweats, disturbed sleep and tiredness, feeling dizzy, vaginal dryness, depression and headaches.

Menopause skincare: skin problems

We produce less collagen One of the most noticeable effects of menopause on the skin is a decrease in collagen production. Collagen is a protein responsible for maintaining the skin's elasticity and suppleness. As oestrogen levels drop, collagen production becomes much less, leading to the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Our skin can become dry, feel tight and sometimes irritated. Additionally, reduced collagen can make the skin appear thinner and more fragile, making it more prone to bruising and damage from environmental factors.

Our skin feels dry Another common skin concern during menopause is dryness. The decline in oestrogen can result in decreased oil production, leading to dry and dehydrated skin. Dry skin can aggravate the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, making us look older than our years. Dry skin can also become itchy and sensitive, causing discomfort and sometimes, irritation.

Menopausal acne Acne can make an unwelcome return during menopause. The hormonal fluctuations caused from menopausal symptoms can lead to increased sebum production, and when combined with dead skin cells, sebum can clog pores and cause acne breakouts. For women who thought they had left acne behind in their teenage years, this resurgence can be frustrating, upsetting and affect your self-esteem.

Skin pigmentation changes Hyperpigmentation, or the development of dark spots and uneven skin tone, is another issue that menopausal women may encounter. This is often due to years of sun exposure and yet again, the hormonal changes that come with age. These dark spots can be a source of frustration for many of us, as they can be challenging to treat effectively.

The good news – a science-led skincare routine and products tailored for you!

But the good news (and don't worry, there is some!) is that, given these challenges you can adopt a specialised skincare routine that addresses your unique needs. With the right approach and treatment plan, using effective and scientifically proven products for menopausal skin, there are ways that you can help keep your menopausal skin problems such as dryness, irritated skin, dark patches, acne and blemishes, in check.

If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you!

Toodles for now, Ema x

Join me for my next blog, ‘ How menopause affects my skin’.


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